
Dare Me and I Will Expose You – Ayisha Modi To Afia Schwar

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Ayisha Modi, a social critic, is slowly turning into a female counterpart of Ghanaian MP Hon. Kennedy Agyapong.

With her concentration on the entertainment sector, Ayisha’s outspoken attitude has exposed a slew of shady deals among the country’s celebrities.

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Ayisha Modi has launched yet another rant against Afia Schwarzenegger, daring her to come out and explain herself.

This recent spat has something to do with Moesha Boduong’s current position, in which Afia Schwarzenegger has accused Ghanaians of driving the former Slay Queen to attempt suicide.

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DJ Frenzy

DJ Frenzy is a Radio DJ @Kapital971, Pub DJ @BulldogPubKsi. a Graphic Designer and a video editor. My passion for creating high-quality content means I take pleasure in providing you with an enriching experience. If you find my content valuable, please consider sharing it with your friends to spread positive vibes. Thank you for your continued support.

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